How to Split Checks in Toast

Updated over 5 years ago

This lesson covers how to split checks in toast and navigate them once they are split.

Splitting Tickets

To begin splitting a check, enter in the order as normal. Then, click on the Split button from the order screen menu underneath the ticket pad.

You will now see the split screen. Let's say we want each guest to pay for their own drink and they are sharing the pizza between the two of them.

To move one of the drinks to the new check, Select the drink and then select the box for + New Check

You should now see this:

We now want to split the pizza. Select the pizza and then click Split.

You will be prompted for how many ways in which you want to split it. In this scenario, it is 2. Select the number and then click Go.

You will see all of the split on the original check like this:

You will need to select one of the splits and move it to the other check like you did with the drink.

Once everything is where it should be, select Done at the top of the page.

Now you are back at the order screen. You will see the checks split up here as well. You can move through the different checks by swiping over to the next check. Notice the bars at the bottom of the order indicating which check you are one.

See an example of swiping between the two checks:


Now swipe.


When you go into the payment screen, these bars will be there as well. You will enter the Payment screen from whichever check you are on when you click Pay ($).

If you are ever confused which check you are on here, you can click the View Items button at the top of the screen to see which check you are on.


Let's say guests just want to split the payment evenly and not worried about having separate checks. Example: 2 guests just want to split the entire order down the middle. You can do this from the payment screen instead of having to split up the entire check.

Go into the payment screen and click on the word Split.

You will see quick splits to divide the payment. / 2 will split the payment due into 2, /3 into 3, etc.

Selecting one will put that amount into the Amount Tendered. You'll need to enter in that same amount to keep each guest paying.