This lesson covers setting up a cash drawer in Toast.
Opening a Cash Till
The Cash Managementsections contains all of the cash drawer related actions you need to manage the cash balance on a daily basis. Cash Management is a manager-level user permission but can also be assigned to server-level employees as an individual permission by the account administrator.
Start by selecting Cash Drawers under the Cash Management section in the main Toast POS dashboard.
You will see any drawer that is Active, Open, and Closed - along with who the drawer is locked to and it's current expected balance.
If using dual cash drawers to one terminal, you will see if the drawer is a primary or secondary drawer.
Active: A Drawer that is currently taking transactions
Full Permissions will show the amounts expected in each drawer
Blind permissions will only show that the user is locked to a drawer, but will not show any expected amounts
Open: An Open drawer is one that has been "replaced" with a New Drawer at some point throughout a shift. It has been replaced, but has not been counted with a confirmed actual amount to become a completely "closed" drawer. It's basically a "hold" for the cash drawer before it is closed
Note: As soon as a drawer is replaced, it creates a second, third, fourth (and so on) version of the drawer.
A replaced/"New" drawer will become an Active Drawer and will be listed as Drawer 2, Drawer 3 and so on.
Closed: A closed drawer has a confirmed dollar amount in the drawer, whether it was closed by the employee that was responsible for the drawer or by a manager.
View Cash Drawer
Actions: cash payments, tip and pay outs, and cash collected from shift reviews.
Toast will display all cash balance entries performed for the day and attached each action to the user profile.
Starting & Current Balances
The initial starting balance and current active balance will be presented on the top right of the screen.
Cash In Button
Allows you to put CASH IN the drawer for a custom reason.
Cash Out Button
Use CASH OUT to perform payouts or in circumstances where you need to take out cash to adjust the starting balance. This may be useful if you forget to close out for the day, as the Toast system will roll-forward the previous day's amount.
Adjust Starting Balance Button
You may alter the drawers' starting balance by entering the new amount here. The adjusted amount will appear as seen below.
No Sale Button
Opens the drawer without causing a cash entry to be recorded.
New Drawer Button
Use at the end a shift to start a new drawer for the next shift or employee. This moves the current drawer from active drawers to open drawers until it is counted and closed.
It will ask you to enter a starting balance for the new drawer.
Make sure to change the physical drawer at the same time and count and close the first one, or set it aside to do later.
Close Drawer Button
Use to finalize the balance for the day/shift. Enter the entire amount counted, including the starting balance.You will then have an option to start a new drawer and enter the starting balance.
Cash Drawer Options:
1. Cash Drawer Lockdown is an optional feature which requires employees to lock themselves to a drawer and does not allow other employees (except managers) to perform any cash-related activities in their drawer. Click here to learn more about Cash Drawer Lockdown.
2. Full vs. Blind Cash Management
Full: User has access to view expected cash amounts in cash drawers during and at the end of shifts
Ability to Cash In, Cash Out, Open a New Drawer, and Close Drawers.
Recommended for manager or "shift leader" role.
Blind: User does not see expected cash amounts
Recommended for cashier that closes a shift by counting cash in the drawer and not knowing what the expected amount should be, while also being able to do other cash adjustments. Great tool to prevent theft.
3. Dual Cash Drawers
One terminal with a printer can be connected to two cash drawers.
This can be configured in Printers by selecting the printer, then checking Two Cash Drawers.
Use Cases:
Two Cash Drawers; neither are locked to a user
User Andy andUser Betty's cash transactions will go into the Primary Drawer
Only way to use Secondary Drawer is if the Primary Drawer is locked to a specific user
Two Cash Drawers; Primary drawer is locked to User Andy while Secondary Drawer is not locked to a user
User Andy's cash will go into the Primary Drawer at that terminal
User Betty's cash will go into Secondary Drawer at that terminal
Two Cash Drawers; both are locked
User Andy is locked to the Primary Drawer and User Betty is locked to the Secondary Drawer. If User Cindy takes a cash transaction on this terminal, her cash will be seen as "On-Hand," and will not be accounted for in either drawer.
Manager Matt has Cash Drawer Override permissions. If he takes a cash payment at this terminal, his cash can only go into the Primary Drawer
Manager Matt with Cash Drawer Override Permissions can conduct Pay Outs, Close Outs, etc. from either drawer
If Manager Matt is locked to a drawer, it is not affected by Cash Drawer Override- the transaction will still go into the drawer he/she is locked to
4. Starting Cash Drawer Balance
Any cash drawer can be configured to automatically open with a predetermined, recurring amount. This is configured in Printer setup by selecting the printer with the cash drawer(s) that will have the set starting balance, then enter the amount for the cash drawer.
Manual reset will require a user to have permissions to Adjust the Starting Balance
Automatic reset will reset the cash drawer overnight with the amount that is chosen - suggested for most customers.
Full Cash Drawer Report
From the Cash Management view, you can quickly access Toast's cash drawer report by selecting the FULL CASH DRAWER REPORT at the top of the screen.